Saturday, June 1, 2013

Stardate:        91022.34

Sol III Date:  01/06/2013/23:35

It was just one more obvious question going unasked, one more vital piece of information not provided, in a long and growing list of the media’s fumbling failures to provide the information viewers need to make sound decisions.

I am referring to the 2 min.24 sec. long report “Family outraged that Cranbrook killer gets new trial” that aired May 31 2013. A report that had repeated comments about how upset people were with the new trial and during which it was mentioned several times a new trial had been order by the Court of Appeal.

Unfortunately the report failed to mention WHY the Court of Appeal had ordered a new trial. If one wanted to know WHY, one had to look elsewhere for the answer to WHY?

The report was successful as a piece of video art, doing a good job of inciting disgust with the Court of Appeal and our legal system.

On the other hand the report was a failure as a news piece since it failed, as so many media reports do, to provide the information to arrive at a fact based evaluation.

But then, why let facts get in the way of good theatre?

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