Sunday, May 26, 2013

Stardate:        91005.6


Sol III Date:   26/05/2013/20.43

Bible Belt Braying

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw is killing people who do not need to die.

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw is promoting the spread of disease throughout our entire community.

Let us set aside the fact that Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw’s ignorance does not change the reality that death and disease are not confined to the victims of the bylaw, but are opportunistic and do not care how ‘holier than thou’ one is when looking for their next host.

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw is costing the taxpayers of Abbotsford and British Columbia hundreds of thousands, millions, of dollars.

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw means the citizens of Abbotsford are denied the benefits of healthcare programs and dollars when those programs contain even the tiniest harm reduction component.

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw singles out a specific group of citizens to deny them healthcare.

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw has forced citizens of Abbotsford to sue in the Courts of Canada the other citizens of Abbotsford to enforce the rights to which those being victimized by the City of Abbotsford bylaw are entitled to as Canadians.

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw stands as proof, actions speaking louder than words, that despite all its self-righteous, self-congratulatory bombast - Abbotsford is NOT a Christian community.

 “Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’”

Let us set aside the fact Abbotsford’s anti-harm reduction bylaw is ethically reprehensible, spiritually corrupt and corrupting.

Setting all that aside we are left with Abbotsford City Council’s pièce de résistance - painting Abbotsford and its citizens as sanctimonious, depraved Jackasses in the eyes of the rest of Canada.

Way to go boys – and girl.

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