Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stardate:        91013.8


Sol III Date:   29/05/2013/20:41

This is a paper towel dispenser that provides paper towels to dry one’s hands after washing said hands.

Unlike toilet paper the direction the roll of paper towel faces, in or out, is important. If the roll of paper towel is inserted facing the wrong way the paper towel feed jams and the paper towel dispenser has to be opened and the jam cleared. If the roll of paper towel is facing the wrong way it needs to be turned or the dispenser will simply jam again.

Lately it has been frequently necessary to open the dispensers, clear the jam and turn the roll of paper towel to feed in the correct direction.

I hear you thinking “they probably haven’t trained the person who had to replace the empty roll”.

You are right, there is no training on how to change the rool of paper towel in the dispenser.

For a very good reason.

When you open the dispenser, remove the cardboard center of the empty roll and go to put the new roll in, this is what you see:

When you put the new roll of paper towel into the dispenser the instructions are right in your face and in clear, straightforward diagrams. How can you not see the instructions?

Have the members of our society spent so much time in wilful denial, refusing to see, hear or listen to anything they don’t want to know about or think about that we can no longer see the reality right in front of us, right under our noses?  

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